Registration for 2020 EaP Civil Society Hackathon is Open Now
This time the Hackathon will be held in Kyiv (Ukraine) on 3-5 April 2020.
It will bring together over 60 civil society activists, tech professionals and designers from Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine to work on digital solutions and software projects that would enable civil society to contribute to reforms and democratic changes in their home countries.
For three days civil society activists and tech professionals will work together on digital solutions that would enable civil society organisations and activists better serve the needs of their communities, and help citizens participate in decision making. The best idea developed within the Hackathon will be nominated for our Civil Society Digitalisation Award and will get support of up to EUR 10,000 for full development and launch.
How to Apply:
To apply for the participation in the Hackathon please register here. The deadlines for submission of applications:
- If you are a civil society activist with an idea for a digital solution, please apply before 17 February 2020!
- If you are a tech professional or a graphic or web designer, please apply before 16 March 2020!
Who Can Apply:
Participation is open to all citizens of EaP countries (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine) with strong experience of civic work, regardless of their experience in working for a civil society organisation as such.
Applications from grassroots activists and young tech professionals from across the region are encouraged. More details.
What Ideas Can be Supported:
The EaP Civil Society Hackathons accept ideas of solutions that empower the digital participation of civil society, improve transparency of public institutions and enable broader citizen involvement in decision making processes. This includes such areas as e-participation, e-transparency, open data, citizen mobilisation, citizen-to-citizen services, and civil society transparency & accountability. For more details, read the Guidelines for Applicants.
The proposed solutions may cover one or several of the areas and be utilised by one or more EaP country. Ideas focused on engagement and mobilization of local and grassroot communities are encouraged.
Check our Infographics on which digital solutions we can support and read the Guidelines for Applicants for more details.
2020 Regional Ideathon:
This year we will also hold our EaP Regional Ideathon three weeks before the Hackathon. The Regional Ideathon is a 1.5 day incubation meeting of civil society activists – authors of ideas of digital solutions and hackathon mentors. The Ideathon will be held on 13-14 March 2020, in Chisinau, Moldova. All shortlisted civil society activists who applied with an idea for a digital solution until 17 February will be invited to the Ideathon to present, improve and further develop their ideas. On the second day of the Ideathon, the mentors and the organisers will select 20 solutions for participation in 2020 EaP Civil Society Hackathon in Kyiv, Ukraine.
If you want to join us a mentor at our 2020 EaP Regional Ideathon in Chisinau (13-14 March) check here who we are looking for and apply by February 20, 2020!