Statement on the introduction of sanctions against Belarusian Republican Youth Union by the European Union

Statement on the introduction of sanctions against Belarusian Republican Youth Union by the European Union

We, the union of forty democratic youth organisations and initiatives of Belarus, were created to consolidate Belarusian youth organisations and civil society initiatives to represent, promote, and protect common interests, realising the right to freedom of peaceful assembly and other constitutional rights, represented by the governing body – the Board of “RADA” we make the following statement.

On June 24, the European Union imposed sanctions against the Belarusian Republican Youth Union (BRSM). The Belarusian National Youth Council “RADA” welcomes the inclusion of this organization and its first secretary of the Central Committee Alexander Lukyanov in the 14th package of sanctions for actions against the territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence of Ukraine. We call on the Belarusian youth to take advantage of this opportunity and leave the BRSM. We also call on all organizations to end their relations with BRSM.

In the official document of the Council of the EU, it is noted that the BRSM is “an organisation in Belarus and is one of the main actors involved in the deportation of Ukrainian children from the illegally occupied territories of Ukraine to Belarus… involved in subjecting children to re-education and political indoctrination, as well as coordinating practical aspects such as the housing of children within Belarus. Therefore, the Belarusian Republican Youth Union is supporting materially actions which undermine and threaten the territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence of Ukraine”. Alexander Lukyanov, the first secretary of the Central Committee of the BRSM, was sanctioned because of his personal participation in this deportation and efforts to re-educate them.

According to a report by the Harvard School of Public Health, more than 2,400 children between the ages of 6 and 17 have been taken from the occupied territories of Ukraine to Belarus since the start of the full-scale Russian invasion in February 2022. These actions are part of a broad strategy for the forced displacement of Ukrainian citizens, developed and implemented together with Alexander Lukashenko and Vladimir Putin. The children were placed in 13 institutions across Belarus, including Minsk, where they were subjected to re-education and political training, sometimes with military training. These actions not only violate their basic rights, but also aim to destroy their cultural and national identity, which is a form of cultural genocide. It was through this that the International Criminal Court issued a warrant for Putin’s arrest in 2023.

It should be noted that establishment of the BRSM was originally an initiative of Lukashenka in 2003. BRSM was always completely under control of the state in the interest of the government. The organization has no autonomy, has monopolized support from the state budget for youth and acts on the instructions of the authorities, which excludes democratic processes and self-governance. Joining the ranks of the organization for schoolchildren and students is forcibly encouraged by the administrations of educational institutions. BRSM engages in political education of the youth, imposing on them the propagandist ideas of the regime and suppressing critical thinking and alternative opinions.

The Belarusian National Youth Council “RADA” supports the introduction of sanctions against Belarusian Republican Youth Union, which is part of the structure of Lukashenka’s regime. Similar actions are necessary to bring to justice those who undermine peace and security in the region, to protect Ukraine, to weaken the authoritarian regime on the territory of Belarus, and to delegitimize Lukashenka’s power. We call on everyone to end their relations with BRSM, and the members of the organization to leave its ranks.

We remain true to our position of solidarity with the people of Ukraine and call for continued action against those who violate international law and human rights.


Alexander Sergeevich LUKYANOV a.k.a. Alyaksandr Syargeevich LUKYANAŬ

(Russian: Александр Сергеевич ЛУКЬЯНОВ Belarusian: Аляксандр Сяргеевiч ЛУК’ЯНАЎ)

Aleksandr Lukyanov is the First Secretary of the Central Committee of the Belarusian Republican Youth Union. In this capacity, Lukyanov is contributing to the illegal deportation and re-education of Ukrainian children. He is facilitating the unlawful re-education of Ukrainian children on the territory of Belarus. The activities pursued by Lukyanov are part of a broader strategy of the Russian Federation to illegally deport Ukrainian citizens, in which the Republic of Belarus is complicit. Since its war of aggression against Ukraine, Russia has transferred many Ukrainian civilians to Russian-occupied areas or to Russia itself, while often denying or impeding those civilians from having safe passage to government-held parts of Ukraine. Lukyanov’s actions violate the rights of Ukrainian children and infringe Ukrainian law and administrative order.

Therefore, Aleksandr Lukyanov is implementing actions and policies which undermine and threaten the territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence of Ukraine.

Belarusian Republican Youth Union (Russian: Белорусский республиканский союз молодёжи Belarusian: Беларускі рэспубліканскі саюз моладзі)

The Belarusian Republican Youth Union is an organisation in Belarus and is one of the main actors involved in the deportation of Ukrainian children from the illegally occupied territories of Ukraine to Belarus. The Belarusian Republican Youth Union has been involved in subjecting children to re-education and political indoctrination, as well as coordinating practical aspects such as the housing of children within Belarus. Therefore, the Belarusian Republican Youth Union is supporting materially actions which undermine and threaten the territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence of Ukraine