A student at Charles University opened fire in the centre of Prague

We, the union of thirty-nine democratic youth organisations and initiatives of Belarus, were created to consolidate Belarusian youth organisations and civil society initiatives to represent, promote, and protect common interests, realising the right to freedom of peaceful assembly and other constitutional rights, represented by the governing body – the Board of “RADA” we make the following statement.
The Belarusian National Youth Council RADA expresses its deepest condolences to the Czech people, especially to the families and friends of the victims of the tragic incident at Charles University in Prague.
We also sincerely support the Czech Council of Youth and Children. The Czech Council of Youth and Children plays a crucial role in protecting the rights and well-being of young people, and we recognise the impact such a tragic event can have on the youth community. We express our solidarity with the members of the Czech Council who are coping with the aftermath of this tragedy.
We are deeply saddened by the loss of life and injuries from a senseless act of violence and stand in solidarity with our colleagues in the Czech Republic during this difficult time. Educational institutions are meant to be safe havens for learning and personal growth, and attacks like this strike at the very heart of our values. Our thoughts are with the students, faculty and staff of Charles University and the broader academic community.
RADA calls for unity and solidarity from the international community in the face of the tragedy in Prague. We believe in the power of collective support to overcome challenges and promote a culture of peace and dialogue. In times of crisis, the strength of our global youth network is even more evident. Together, we can create a safer and more secure environment for young people and society.