Young political prisoners

Young political prisoners

Young political prisoners


As a result of mass protests in Belarus, which began after the presidential elections in August 2020, many young people were arrested and sentenced to long terms. They are symbols of resistance to the political regime and the struggle for freedom and democracy in Belarus.

Political prisoners, including young people, face harsh prison conditions and violations of their rights and freedoms. They are subjected to torture, isolation, denial of access to medical care and a lawyer, as well as to other outside assistance.

Many young people in Belarus continue to actively express their beliefs and protest, despite repression and threats from the authorities.

However, the situation in the country remains unstable and dangerous for all who express their dissatisfaction with the political regime.

We must continue to monitor the situation in Belarus and do everything in our power to help these people and achieve justice and freedom for all citizens of Belarus.

Below you can find a list of young Belarusian political prisoners. When creating this list, we relied on data from the Viasna Human Rights Center.

Unfortunately, not all political convicts have complete information, including their age. Therefore, there may be a small error in the table.

Who can qualify as a political prisoner, according to Belarusian human rights defenders?

Complete list of political prisoners

Number of young political prisoners: 425
% from total number of political prisoners: 31.02